Minute 1 begins the first half.
The second minute is a corner kick for Liverpool on the left.
Minute 2 Robertson sent the ball into the penalty area but was shunded by the defense.
Minute 6 he scored between the players of the two teams in the middle of the field.
Minute 8 Mani sent a longitudinal pass to the inside of the penalty area but passed from everyone out of the field.
The 9th minute Ben Davis sent an occasional pass from the left, but Trent Arnold shunted it before she arrived at the Vietnam attacker.
11 Robertson sent the ball into the penalty area, and was met by Fermino with a strong headland and caught by the guard, Loris.
The minute is 12 strokes among Liverpool players in the middle of the field.
The 14-kicking minute for Liverpool on the left.
The 16th minute scored between the players of the two teams in the middle of the field.
The 18th minute is a corner kick for Vietnam on the right.
The 19th minute sent the ball into the penalty zone but was shunded by defense from the first post.
The 20th minute Orie sent a cross-pass from the right into the penal zone that almost dented the goalkeeper but passed over the bar off the field.
21 Robertson moved into the penalty area on the left, then passed the ball to a weapon inside the penalty zone, and the final hit the ball in the middle of the goal and the guard held it firmly.
The 23rd minute Henderson sent a longitudinal pass from the midfield to the inside of the penalty zone that passed from everyone off the field.
June 26, 2011 Liverpool's first goal by Mohamed Salah, Salah hit the ball from the border of the penal zone but hit the Deerfield foot and passed at the far left corner inside the net.
The 29th minute Cortis Jones hit the ball from outside the penalty area but was firmly confronted by the guard, Loris.
The 34-Goole Tatnam team tie goal by Sun, from a fast-rolling back attack that reached Lu Celso in the middle of the field that sent a home pass behind the defenders, did not single out with the goalkeeper Alison and then won the ball to the left of the goalkeeper in a wonderful way, scoring his team's tie goal.
The 36th Vermino hit the ball from inside the penalty area but was cleverly confronted by the guard, Loris.
Minute 41 Mani knuts a strong ball from inside the penalty area but was easily held by the guard, Loris.
Minute 1+45 break.
Minute 45 begins the second half.
The 48 minute is a yellow card for Giovanni Le Celso.
The 50Ken minute attempted to push the ball from the top of the advanced goalkeeper Alison but was hit by Alison.
51 kicks for Vietnam from the left.
Minute 51 sent the ball into the penalty zone but passed out of the field.
Minute 54 yellow cards for player Pierre Emile Hueberg.
The 57th minute Salah knuts a powerful ball from the border of the penalty zone but was confronted by the guard, Loris.
The 58-kicking minute for Liverpool on the left.
58th Roppertson sent the ball into the penalty area but was shunded by the defense.
The 61 minute strong pressure from Liverpool players through short runs on the boundaries of the competition's penalty area.
The 63rd minute Stephen Bergen hit the ball from the inside of the penalty zone but rebranded from the left leg and then the defense shunted it.
The 67th Vermino shot the ball from the border of the penalty area but was held steady by goalkeeper Lores.
The 69th minute Salah hit the ball from the border of the penalty zone, which was skillfully confronted by the guard, Loris.
The 71th minute between Liverpool players in the middle of the field.
The 73 Cortes Jones minute passed a great ball to Lamani inside the penalty zone, and the latter played a strong ball that hit the bar and went out of the field.
The 75-kicking minute for Liverpool is on the right.
The 75th minute played a short ball for a weapon that sent a cross-pass inside the penalty area but was held by the goalkeeper Lores.
The 78-minute match between the players of the two teams in the middle of the field.
The 79th minute Trent Arnold sent a longitudinal pass from the middle of the field to Salah but too strong to reach the guard, Loris, who held it easily.
82-pass Liverpool players halfway through the field.
84 Mane sent a wonderful transverse pass from the left to Curtis Jones inside the penalty area on the right, and the latter hit the ball hard but rebelled from the body of one of the defenders.
The 85-minute error was for Liverpool from the center of the field on the left.
The 86th minute sent the ball into the penalty area but was shunded by the defense.
The 90-kicking minute for Liverpool is on the right.
90 Juwall second goal of Liverpool via Vermino, Andrew Robertson sent the ball from the knee kick into the penalty area, taking Fermino up and turning it into a strong head at the far right corner inside the net.
Minute 3+90 is a corner kick for Vietnam on the right.
Minute 3+90 sent the ball into the penalty area but was shunded by the defense.
4+90 the match ended with a 2-1 win for the Laver.
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